Fun With Cafe Rods

Fun With Cafe Rods

I love cafe rods almost as much as I love tension rods. There are so many things you can do with them! Today I was wrapping some gifts for my daughter’s birthday and thought about how nice it would be to have a place to put my wrapping paper. I always keep it standing up in a corner of my closet and it gets unrolled and crinkled too easily. Then it hit me – cafe rods!

I installed one under a shelf in a closet (husband not required for assembly) in about five minutes. Before, it was just wasted space. Now it’s a great place to store my wrapping paper. I added another one right next to it for ribbon. My ribbon stuck out a little too far and the bar wouldn’t sit in the little hooks. That’s ok! I just hung the bar from some ribbon! Maybe the next time I’m at Home Depot I’ll pick up some bigger brackets for it…or maybe not. I kind of like the way it looks. The best part is, they were only $2.50 a piece.

Cafe rod for wrapping paper and ribbon

3 Responses »

    • Thanks Hollie! The best part about this is that, even though I could remove a roll of ribbon quickly from the rod, I usually just snip off however much I need and leave the roll there. It makes clean up a lot easier because there is less to put away!

      • Smart! No tangling and it looks as professional as in the department store wrapping departments. If you can keep the counter there clean, you could actually wrap the present there too. Best of all, some Everything- for-a-Dollar type stores now have curtain rods.

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